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    Early Spring

    We’ve had an interesting winter here in central California. I live at 5500 feet elevation in a small mountain community. Actually it’s not as small as it once was, but by most standards it’s still small. Thankfully I have permission to hike on private property that is basically right out my door. This property is mostly unused, although it is grazed part of the year by cattle belonging to the owner. In the winter Wally has a lot of freedom to run and be wild. In the summer his freedom is diminished because of the ungodly amount of foxtails and his propensity to inhale them into his olfactory system. Due…

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    Crow and Bobcat

    My evening hike with Wally is hardly ever long enough. We walk after I get home from work which gives us about an hour. During the winter this is often in the dark with a headlamp for me and a lighted harness for Wally, with rain or snow falling. This winter was especially wet, so we were often wet by the time we got home. Wally usually didn’t mind much, but I was getting a little tired of being wet and cold every evening. Plus, when we got home I usually had to wash mud off of Wally’s undercarriage and then blow dry him. Wally thought it was all good…